MEGGLE Slovakia s. r. o.
RAJO dairy changes its name to MEGGLE Slovakia, products under the rajo brand continue
RAJO dairy changes its name to MEGGLE Slovakia, products under the rajo brand continue
Presentation of plant-based products under the rajo Vegan brand.
RAJO, a.s. changed to a limited liability company in October 2021.
RAJO celebrates 25 years since its foundation.
We expanded the Laktofree portfolio to include creamy yoghurts and sour cream.
At the end of 2019, we started filling Acidko into a new and more environmentally friendly Tetra Top packaging.
Based on a survey by the agency Gfk, RAJO cream was evaluated by consumers as the "Highest quality sour cream on the Slovak market".
According to a survey by the Gfk agency, RAJO achieved 98% market penetration = 98% of Slovaks have purchased a RAJO product at least once. This surpassed not only all domestic brands, but also foreign brands, too.
Our beautiful nature campaign for the Probia Nature product line – Nature is within reach – awarded the highest Slovak advertising award, the Zlatý Klinec (The Golden Nail) in the category Craft. The jury highlighted the high-quality artistic design of the campaign.
The first and thus far only complete line of dairy protein products. Just one year after being introduced, Active Protein had achieved nearly 10% penetration of households, according to the Gfk Agency.
The brands RAJO and Acidko both obtained the SUPERBRANDS 2014 award. Since that time the brand has defended the award for four consecutive years.
RAJO’s long-term, high-quality products have earned the Brand of Quality SK award for the RAJO cream product Mňam DUO, Cottage cheese and the product portfolio of creams, and RAJO sour cream was even awarded the SK Gold for quality.
Introduction of the flavored curd category.
Introduction of a successful product line for people who are lactose intolerant.
The company logo gets a new modern form, though its typical shape remains unchanged.
In 2003 RAJO began to cooperate with the civic association Návrat, which promotes the return of abandoned children from children’s homes to families. With the purchase of each package of RAJO milk, consumers contribute a certain portion to the foundation’s activities and in this way they help abandoned children be returned to the family environment. The cooperation between RAJO and Návrat is still ongoing today.
In 2003 the company Meggle AG became the 100% owner of the shares of Rajo, a. s. The Bavarian dairy producer incorporated Rajo, a. s., into the holding MEGGLE Eastern Europe GmbH.
RAJO, a. s., obtains a certificate for a quality management system according to the standard ISO 9001:2000.
Acidko - product launch and brand registration.
A new shareholder enters into the company, the German concern Meggle AG. On 22 May the first truck carrying durable milk under the brand Meggle leaves the plant.
The company logo acquires its now typical form, which is still today a characteristic feature of all designs for RAJO brand products. The slogan is changed to: “An appetite for life.”
Introducing Cottage Cheese.
ProBio - the first probiotic yogurt produced in Slovakia.
In May, the company’s General Meeting approves a new name for the company: RAJO, a. s. The name was selected based on a successful product from the MILEX portfolio – a low-fat yoghurt called RAJO. The name of this product was derived as an abbreviation for RAcionálny JOgurt (Rational Yoghurt). Rajo yoghurt was in the Milex production program from 1991, and at that time it was a well-known and popular product; therefore, the name was chosen as the new company name.
RAJO introduces for the first time the independent communication of the brand and its first slogan: Pleasures from Rajo.
Yoghurts produced by the company Milex Schärdinger Slovakia are introduced on the market under the brand name RAJO.
Austrian shareholder Schärdinger Milch, AG purchases the majority of the shares of Milex.
The company begins to operate under the name MILEX Schärdinger Slovakia, a. s.
RAcionálny JOgurt (Rational Yoghurt), which the company RAJO was later named after, sees the light of the world.
The joint-stock company MILEX Slovakia, a. s., founded from the state dairy enterprise MILEX
After launching of production at the new plant in Zlaté Piesky, production in Ružová dolina is gradually shut down during the 1980s. The company seat is moved to Studená ulica.
At the end of the 1970s the dairy producer launches a new operation on Studená ulica.
The state enterprise Západoslovenské mliekarne, n. p. (West Slovakia Dairy Works), changes its name to MILEX, n. p., Bratislava.
A political decision leads to the fusion of the Bratislava dairy works and Nitra enterprises to form the Západoslovenské mliekarne, n. p. (West Slovakia Dairy Works), Bratislava.
After nationalization of all dairy works in 1948, a period of central management of dairy production occurs. In 1949 the Agricultural Products Cooperative (DHPV) is founded, which divides the original private or cooperative dairy works into individual enterprises. The national enterprise Bratislavské mliekarne, Bratislava, had at the time 4 plants in Bratislava – on Čajaková, Moskovská, Mostová ulica and in Ružová dolina, in addition the plants in Dunajská Streda, Senica and Galanta.
As many as 117 small dairy works are located in Slovakia.
The first cooperative dairy works, the so-called BAMAD, was founded in Bratislava by local farmers. This was the first cooperative dairy in our country. It produced milk for drinking as well as butter and curd cheese.
At the end of the 19th century and before the First World War, nearly a million sheep and cattle were raised in Slovakia.
During the Wallachian colonization in the late 14th century, mountain areas began being settled. Along with the use of wool, meat and leather, alpine farming focused mainly on the processing of sheep's milk. Traditional products were cheeses such as bryndza (sheep’s) cheese, smoked cheeses, parenica cheese and sheep’s whey.
After the migration of nations, the Slavs arrive to Central Europe (5th century AD), bringing their peasant culture and skills with processing milk. They processed sheep’s milk, but also cow’s milk. Cow’s milk was turned into quality butter, cheeses and curd cheese.
The first references in history show the processing of milk as early as the Sumerian, Ancient Babylonian Empire, ancient Egypt, i.e. that is during the development of the first agricultural states (2003 - 1594 BC). There are also references to milk processing in the Bible, from which it is clear that the ancient nomadic and farming peoples knew and processed milk.