Hubertus Bauland strengthens the management of MEGGLE Slovakia s. r. o.
MEGGLE Slovakia s. r. o. has a new managing director. Mr. Hubertus Bauland has been appointed as of 1 December 2024.

RAJO dairy changes its name to MEGGLE Slovakia, products under the rajo brand continue
The rajo brand has been synonymous with popular and quality dairy products in Slovakia for almost 30 years. The strength of the rajo brand was also the reason why the German company MEGGLE AG joined RAJO in 2001. Today, on Tuesday 2 April 2024, the parent company is making a formal change and unifying the name of its subsidiary in Slovakia with the other companies within the MEGGLE Group. Production at the Bratislava plant continues unchanged, however, and the rajo brand of dairy products remains unchanged as well.

Announcement of the legal form change
We would like to inform you with effect from October 1,2021, the legal form of our company will be changed from a joint stock company (akciová spoločnosť) to a limited liability company (spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným). This fact is connected with the change of our business name, which will be changed from RAJO a.s. to RAJO s.r.o. as of 01.10.2021.